What gauge would be needed to ensure that a 500 ft run between the test button and the PPA109s module?

Here are some optimized recommendations for connecting a remote test button to PPA109S over long distances:

For spans up to 500 feet between the test button and PPA109S, we suggest the following:
*Use 14 AWG or 12 AWG wire for the button connection. The larger wire gauge minimizes voltage drop over long cable runs.
*Install a dry contact relay near the test button, then use a thinner gauge wire from the relay to the PPA109S. This allows the relay to isolate and extend the contact over greater distances.

The key goals are:
*Maintain strong signal integrity from the button to the PPA109S.
*Avoid excessive voltage drop through thinner gauge wires over long cable lengths.

By using a heavier gauge wire or remote relay, you can reliably connect test buttons to PPA109S located up to 500 feet away.

Tag: PPA109S
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