What are the proper operating parameters of 12Vdc supply to Keilton DC sensors

Here are the key points on operating parameters for Keilton DC sensors:

  • Ripple voltage on the 12VDC auxiliary power supply should ideally be less than 50mV peak-to-peak. Lower ripple indicates good driver quality.
  • Ripple waveform shape, dimming depth to 1%, dimming on/off threshold below 0.1V, linear output, and no flashing/strobing are also important parameters.
  • No ripple current feedback from dimming or ground wires back to the sensor.
  • Comprehensive testing with the fixture, sensor, and driver properly installed together is recommended for any specific driver model to ensure compatibility.
  • Most good quality LED drivers have 12VDC auxiliary ripple less than 200mV, which should work well.

In summary, ripple voltage under 50mV is optimal but less than 200mV is generally acceptable. A smooth ripple waveform along with proper dimming performance, linear output, and no current feedback are also critical for reliable sensor operation. Thorough testing of any particular driver is best to confirm performance.

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