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APP (7)

The ‘pseudo switch’ on the ‘Switch’ page of the APP is only for illustration, the ‘ON/OFF’ button on the APP acts different from the physical button on the switch. The ‘ON/OFF’ button: • ‘ON’ button on the switch sends ID to the sensors, sensor translates it to ‘FULL ON/OFF’ commands. • ‘ON’ button on the APP ‘AUTO/OFF’ commands sensors. It does not send exact ‘button and switch ID’ to sensors.

Tag: App

A maximum of 100 lights can be in a single ZONE.

Tag: App

Set the dimming level and CCT setting on the Lights setting page and select ‘A’ button on lower right corner to save the settings.

When naming a Zone in the APP, only the following characters are allowed: lower case, capital letters, numbers, and following symbols ( . , – : _ + ).

Tags: App, Zone

The time from when the button is clicked to when the sensor starts responding is fast at 40 milliseconds (ms). After being triggered, the sensor does not immediately snap the lights on/off. Instead, it gently fades the lights up or down over 500ms. The 500ms fade time provides a smooth and gradual dimming transition, preventing harsh or abrupt light changes. Together, the very fast 40ms trigger response and 500ms fade time allow the system to react instantly to occupancy changes while still ensuring comfortable light dimming. These performance metrics indicate LiteTrace has engineered the system for quick response and optimal user experience.

Tag: App

It sounds like there are a couple main reasons users may see devices constantly connecting and disconnecting in the app during the commissioning process:

  1. If there are too many factory-default lights powered on close together, this can overwhelm the app with wireless RF signals as it tries to maintain connections with all the lights broadcasting setup signals simultaneously. The excessive number of lights flooding the network makes it difficult to hold steady connections.
  2. As the user physically moves around the jobsite during commissioning while holding their phone/tablet, they may walk in and out of range of different devices. This forces the app to lose and reestablish connections as it jumps between communicating with nearer and farther devices.

Additionally, the normal behavior of toggling between the “Lights” and “Added” pages in the app requires switching communication between already commissioned zones versus factory default lights. So, the constant shifting between these modes as part of regular commissioning also leads to a lot of reconnecting.

In summary, dense clusters of factory default lights and user movement during the process can cause a flurry of dropped and reestablished connections as the app tries to keep up. This is expected behavior but limiting the number of lights on at once and commissioning from a fixed location can help reduce the connection churn if it becomes problematic.

Tag: App

The app light status is showing the commanded state, not the actual output. So even if the trim limits the output to 80%, if the user has set the dim level to 100%, the app will show 100% status.

Hardware (1)

  1. Open the Motion Sensor Testing function on the More page.
    • Select “Start Testing”.
  2. Open the Lights page.
    • Walk around under the sensors in question.
    • The lights icon will indicate “ON” when you are near the sensor.
    • This will identify the sensor and the associated icon in the app.
  3. Then press and hold the icon till the “Light Dimming” page opens.
    • Rename the sensor. Suggest using naming to indicate location, i.e., room number or room name.
  4. Open the Groups page.
    • Add the sensor to the group of lights you wish to control.
    • Select the “Light Bulb” icon in the group and then select the “Motion” setting button on lower right-hand corner and choose the settings for your group.
    • Select “Save” when complete.

Keilton APP (2)

Sensors with daylight harvesting can turn off fixtures, when the driver on the fixture will cut off the LED current when 0-10v signal drop down to range of 1%-10%.

Most of outdoor fixture drivers will cut off LED current at 5% to 7% dimming level.

Following are the detailed step-by-step description of the configuration to allow EFS106-DLH sensor to turn on off fixture by daylight harvesting sensors.

1.        Prepare: please have a RP0 and powered it on with a proper power bank.

a)        Some power banks may cut off power to RP0 because the current is very small, please make sure to the power bank you use can sustain the continue power supply.

2.        Set the RP0 to factory setting before commission (press and hold the reset button on RP0 to reset it when necessary) and keep it powered on with you.

3.        Create a new zone on you APP, and name it properly.

4.        Commission all EFS106-DLH sensors to the zone.

a)        Factory setting RP0 can help commission the sensors.

b)        You may need to

5.        Commission the RP0 to the zone, and keep it powered on and with you after commissioned it.

a)        You need to commission the RP0 from “More”, “Device Info” page on the APP. Factory setting RP0 will show up in ‘Add lights’ page but you won’t be able to commission it from here.

6.        Go to ‘Group’ page, click the dimming button on ‘All Lights’ group, click the sensor setting button to bring out the sensor setting page.

7.        Enable ‘Daylight harvesting’, enable ‘Motion’ sensor, set proper T1 (say 20 minutes), set T2 to ‘INFINITE’, set proper Dim evel (say 20%). Then click ‘Save’.

a)        You will see fixture flush to indicate it received the command.

8.        During the night,  go to ‘Group’ page, click the dimming button on ‘All Lights’ group, dim all lights to 100% and click ‘A’ to save the auto point.

9.        Dim All Lights to 100%.

10.    Go to ‘More’ page, click ‘Trim Settings’, select “Groups”, click the ‘>’ beside ‘ALL Lights’,

a)        Click ‘Low-End Trim’, select ‘1%’, then click ‘Send’ in ‘Low-End Trim’ section.

                      i.              All sensor should dim to 1%, in this case, fixture should be turned off, otherwise, this won’t work.

11.    Dim All Lights to 100%.

12.    Go to ‘More’ page, click ‘Trim Settings’, select “Groups”, click the ‘>’ beside ‘ALL Lights’,

a)        Click ‘Daylight min dim’, select ‘1%’, then click ‘Send’ in ‘Daylight min dim’ section.

                        i.              All sensor should dim to 1%, in this case, fixture should be turned off, otherwise, this won’t work.

Starting from step 6 in the outdoor jobsite, you may need to walk around with RP0, and click “Save” for a few times to make sure all sensors received setting and commands.

Test to confirm:

1.        Turn on all lights from APP, then cover the sensor to prevent daylight from coming to the sensor (or test it in the night), fixture should be turn on and dim to 100%.

2.        Remove the cover, use a flashlight or other light to direct at the sensor, fixture should dim down and turn off.

3.        Test in the night, the fixture should dim down to Dim Level after T1 timed out, and does not turn off. It dim up to 100% when motion is detected.

  1. Open the Motion Sensor Testing function on the More page.
    • Select “Start Testing”.
  2. Open the Lights page.
    • Walk around under the sensors in question.
    • The lights icon will indicate “ON” when you are near the sensor.
    • This will identify the sensor and the associated icon in the app.
  3. Then press and hold the icon till the “Light Dimming” page opens.
    • Rename the sensor. Suggest using naming to indicate location, i.e., room number or room name.
  4. Open the Groups page.
    • Add the sensor to the group of lights you wish to control.
    • Select the “Light Bulb” icon in the group and then select the “Motion” setting button on lower right-hand corner and choose the settings for your group.
    • Select “Save” when complete.
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