How do I get the energy report file?

To collect energy consumption data and generate an energy report, you require a CR01 energy monitoring dongle. The CR01’s features are as follows: For more detailed information, please consult the CR01 Specification.Keilton+Energy+Monitoring+Instruction.pdf The CR01 records the energy consumption raw log for every device in the zone at 15-minute intervals. In a zone with 100 controllers,… Read more How do I get the energy report file?

Why do I see devices continuously connecting/disconnecting/reconnecting in the app during commissioning?

It sounds like there are a couple main reasons users may see devices constantly connecting and disconnecting in the app during the commissioning process: Additionally, the normal behavior of toggling between the “Lights” and “Added” pages in the app requires switching communication between already commissioned zones versus factory default lights. So, the constant shifting between… Read more Why do I see devices continuously connecting/disconnecting/reconnecting in the app during commissioning?

What is your system’s typical response time from when a button is clicked to sensor and light response?

The time from when the button is clicked to when the sensor starts responding is fast at 40 milliseconds (ms). After being triggered, the sensor does not immediately snap the lights on/off. Instead, it gently fades the lights up or down over 500ms. The 500ms fade time provides a smooth and gradual dimming transition, preventing… Read more What is your system’s typical response time from when a button is clicked to sensor and light response?

What are the Zone naming parameters?

When naming a Zone in the APP, only the following characters are allowed: lower case, capital letters, numbers, and following symbols ( . , – : _ + ).

What is RSSI?

Received Signal Strength Indicator. RSSI is a measurement of the power level present in a received radio signal. RSSI is used to determine wireless signal strength and quality. It can help troubleshoot connectivity issues. RSSI is measured in dBm (decibels relative to one milliwatt). Typical values range from -30 dBm (excellent signal) to -90 dBm… Read more What is RSSI?

How can I tell which sensor or control node is closest to me?

When you click ‘More’ at the bottom of the screen, click ‘Nearby Lights’. On this page, on the top right of the screen you will find ‘ID RSSI’. The device ID with the lowest number is typically the strongest signal and may be the closest device to the user.

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