What is the difference between BLE, Bluetooth, and Bluetooth mesh? Is BLE the same as Bluetooth mesh?

No, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and Bluetooth Mesh are not the same things. Here’s a breakdown of the differences between BLE, Bluetooth Classic, and Bluetooth Mesh: 1. Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE):– BLE is a low-power wireless communication protocol designed for short-range communication.– It operates in the 2.4 GHz ISM band, just like Bluetooth Classic.– BLE… Read more What is the difference between BLE, Bluetooth, and Bluetooth mesh? Is BLE the same as Bluetooth mesh?

What is the difference between Software Updates and Firmware updates? How does the update process work?

Firmware vs Software Updates for Keilton products: Firmware updates:*Updates internal software code within Keilton hardware like lights, sensors, switches*Done using Spiral Engineering app (available on App Store and Google Play)*Provides enhancements and fixes for Keilton devices*Instructions: https://keilton.s3.amazonaws.com/Spiral+Engineering+App+Instruction.pdf Software updates:*Updates the Keilton mobile app on your phone/tablet*Automatically delivered via App Store/Play Store*Includes new features and bug… Read more What is the difference between Software Updates and Firmware updates? How does the update process work?

Is App automatically updated?

Yes, the Keilton app will automatically update to the latest version once it is released. Users do not need to manually install updates. When we publish a new version of the app, it will automatically be pushed and installed on your device provided:*Your device is connected to the internet*Automatic app updates are enabled in your… Read more Is App automatically updated?

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